NOWY SĄCZ – St. Helen’s Church
The church is oriented, built in a log construction with a steep roof covered with sheet metal. It has no tower – instead of a belfry there is a small tower on the roof of the temple. At the end of the 19th century, the building was enlarged by a one-nave vestibule with a narrower chancel closed on three sides. The interior of the church is covered with a flat ceiling. The whole – both the walls and the ceiling – are boarded, i.e. covered with a layer of boards.
In the church, the attention is drawn to the Renaissance-Baroque altar with baroque paintings from the second half of the 17th century, depicting Our Lady of Consolation, Annunciation, Saint King and some scenes from the life of the Poor Clares from the Nowy Sącz order. There are also Renaissance paintings with scenes of the Crucifixion and Resurrection dating back to the 16th century (from around 1580).
In December 1980, a new parish of St. Helen was established in the newly created district of Nowy Sącz called Helena. The historic church, which until then had served as a cemetery chapel, became thus a parish church. Due to the large number of the faithful, whom the wooden church could not room, in 1983 the construction of the second temple began. The new church dedicated to Holy Cross was completed in 1990 and took over the function of the main temple in the parish, whereas St. Helen church became an auxiliary church.
NOWY SĄCZ – St. Helen’s Church