PUCHŁY - Orthodox Church of the Protection of Our Lady

This Orthodox church has a special place on the map of sacred places in the region due to the important role it plays in Marian devotions. This is where we can find the icon of Our Lady Protectress. Her feast, known as Pokrowa, has pagan origins.
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This church is exceptional, even when compared with other interesting and picturesque Orthodox churches in the Podlasie Region. It is considered to be one of the most beautiful and situated in one of the most scenic surroundings. A dozen or so old trees around the building have the status of nature monuments. In 2014, it became more pleasing as the church was repainted blue, the colour which is so characteristic and through which the believers symbolically bring their place of worship closer to Heaven.

This Orthodox church has a special place on the map of sacred places in the region due to the important role it plays in Marian devotions. This is where we can find the icon of Our Lady Protectress. Her feast, known as Pokrowa, has pagan origins. The East Slavs celebrated this way the end of autumn field works. For the young, the time of rest began (also called pierzaczki) and a very popular time of matchmaking i.e. swaty. The icon of Our Lady Protectress is said to work miracles. The version of the icon found inside the church dates back to 1781, as the previous one was unfortunately destroyed by fire. The icon Pokrow depicts Our Lady wearing a crown and a draped dress. She stands on a cloud above the world and this is the symbol of her protection offered to the entire humankind. Representatives of different states: rulers, the nobility, the clergy and monks, are depicted below Her.

The worship of Our Lady Protectress was already faring well in Puchły in the 16th century. The popular legend back then said that in the place where the church now stands, used to live an old man suffering from swollen legs. When praying, he was to have seen a miraculous image on one of the trees and his ailment subsided. The place was then called Puchły as it makes a reference to swelling. Opuchli in the local dialect means swollen legs. There is one more legend about Orthodox peasants who sought help in prayers as a local landlord wanted to force them to convert to Greek Catholic church. The believers were to have seen a miraculous image and soon the landlord died. Moreover his restless soul was to have been wondering around the neighbourhood as a ghost and haunt people on the intersection of forest roads. Some researchers say that many legends and myths, which strengthen the identity of this place, are a sign of a strong pagan worship which may have existed in the surroundings. Tales constitute one of the most effective ways to embed a new tradition which is being formed.

During the war, the church was vandalized, the roof was damaged and its domes were destroyed. Fortunately, during the next decades the church was gradually renovated and fitted. An outbuilding and the psalmist’s house were added.

PUCHŁY - Orthodox Church of the Protection of Our Lady


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GORYSŁAWICE – Church of St. Lawrence

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Dobrowoda – St. Mary Magdalene Church

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NOWY SĄCZ – St. Helen’s Church

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ŁUKOWICA – Church of St. Andrew the Apostle

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Kielce – Catholic church of the Transfiguration of the Lord



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Grywałd – Church of St. Martin the Bishop

Church of St. Archangel Michael in Dębno Podhalańskie

Church of St. Archangel Michael in Dębno Podhalańskie

DUBNE Greek Catholic church of St. Archangel Michael

DUBNE Greek Catholic church of St. Archangel Michael

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Powroźnik – Orthodox church St. James the Younger Apostle (UNESCO)

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Gosprzydowa – the Church of St. Ursula and her companions

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Odporyszów – Shrine of Our Lady of Victory

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TROPIE – Sanctuary of the Hermits St. Świerad and St. Benedict

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SĘKOWA – St. Philip and St. Jacob’s Church

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WIŚLICA – Bazylika kolegiacka pw. Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny

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MNICHÓW-The Church of St. Stephen Deacon and Martyr

PROBOŁOWICE St. James’s church

PROBOŁOWICE St. James’s church
