LACHOWICE - Church of SS. Peter and Paul
The current location of the church is conducive to religious and existential contemplation. It is located on a hill above the village. It is surrounded by a cemetery and old trees, and the whole area is enclosed by a wooden fence made of panels arranged like a log structure and its spans are covered with shingle roofs. The cemetery is still in use by the local faithful.
The beautiful wooden church in Lachowice was erected at the end of the 18th century. The most important initiator of its construction was countess Teresa Pankracja Wielopolska. It is an interesting personality, the wife of Jan Józef Wielopolski, who was described by Nikolay Repnin, the Russian envoy to Poland, as a member of the Parliament who would be right to further Russian interests during the Sejm session in 1767. Count Wielopolski was also the master of the castle in Sucha Beskidzka and, after his death, it was Teresa who managed the property.
To obtain land for the construction of the church, a wooden cemetery chapel from 1707 was demolished. It was founded by Anna Małachowska, heir to Sucha and widow of Jan II Kazimierz Wielopolski. Her second husband was Stanisław Małachowski, the voivode of Poznan, and when he also died, her double widowhood allowed her to manage a rather big estate. The chapel of Lachowice she funded, served the local population as a place of worship and remembrance of the deceased. The nearest parish cemetery and the church were 10 kilometres away. The official consecration of the new church took place on 1 January 1792.
The current location of the church is conducive to religious and existential contemplation. It is located on a hill above the village. It is surrounded by a cemetery and old trees, and the whole area is enclosed by a wooden fence made of panels arranged like a log structure and its spans are covered with shingle roofs. The cemetery is still in use by the local faithful.
The log structure of the church is protected by a shingle roof. The church is oriented and has a tall tower with inclined walls covered with boards and topped with a bulbous helm. When visiting the vicinity of the church, it is worth paying attention to its low arcade supported by posts and covered with a mono-pitched roof. In the arcade you can find Stations of Passion painted in 1846 by Antoni Krząstkiewicz.
The interior of the church is equally interesting. Between the nave and the presbytery there is a double chancel opening. In the upper part there is a curved crucifix and in the lower part two statues: Our Lady and St. John the Evangelist. It is worth paying attention to the Baroque main altar dating from the mid-19th century. In the centre of the altar there is a painting of Madonna on wood. It comes from the cemetery chapel. The side altars, in Baroque and Baroque-Classicistic style, come from the same period as the main altar.
Another beautiful element of the church furnishings is the wooden pulpit with a baldachin. The vault of the presbytery is decorated with a big painting of the Immaculate Virgin. It is modelled after the famous painting of the Spanish artist Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. Another important element of the polychromy are 12 figures of apostles executed in 1891. The baptismal font made of stone in the shape of a chalice is much older as it was executed around 1789.
The Baroque and Classicistic organ made in 1836 by Marcin Gracz from Pcim completes the picture.
LACHOWICE - Church of SS. Peter and Paul